It's that time of year again, when the cold winds blow and the Tweefontein Melkery open their gates to flocks of far-out and groovified fans of the SA band scene. You are thinking what I'm thinking and you may just be a mindreader. Bring a jacket by the way...

A few changes have been made to the fest in recent days in order to ensure the safety of the fans, the bands, and the dads - more on that in another article. I'm gonna keep this one short and simple since we already had a chat with none other than your friendly neighbourhood clubmen... Yes Mr. Mindreader - The Klubs.

We had the pleasure of asking Dylan a few questions about That 70's Fest, see if you can sixth sense your way through this one.

How did the Klubs come about?

"The three of us enjoy playing music, we've all been in bands in the past and it just felt like a good thing when we got together and played our instruments at the same time. 
You know, the classic let's start a band story."

You’ve played that 70’s fest before with We Are Charlie, what was the highlight of that year's throw down?

"Seeing that rad line up. The guys at Boogy Central know how to pick em."

What act are you most excited to see on this year's lineup?

"Asking us to pick our favourite ice cream? They're all good."

Photo by my nicest cousin, Kristlee Beckwith

Can we look forward to any new material this year?

"We have been writing a bit to keep busy. We're going to be trying out some new songs. We're taking a few risks and hopefully, it all works out."

What are some local and international influences for your sound? What part of the fest are you looking forward to most?

"We were influenced by modern hardcore post-punk bands such as IDLES, Viagra Boys, Protomartyr, and so on, but we're pretty much doing our own thing as of late."

What makes that 70’s fest so special to you?

"We'd say the beautiful atmosphere blending in with the stunning venue, throw in the good music and voilá, you've got yourself something special."

Is there anything you’d like to share with the fans before the fest?

"We've missed playing to live audiences and we'd like to share our excitement for being able to do so again."

Photo by Brennian Labuschagne

Bless the SA band scene, bless Boogy Central, bless the Klubs and bless you - it's gonna be cold.


Luke from Dystopia.


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